Collaborative Divorce

Divorce is generally associated with pain, cost, anxiety, fury, abandonment, frustration, uncertainty, loss of control, loneliness, unhappiness — and many more negative emotions.

Unfortunately, however, divorce is sometimes inevitable.

Nevertheless, YOU do NOT need to be a VICTIM — YOU can CONTROL your destiny. Collaborative Divorce is the way.

If you have children, YOU and your SPOUSE will ALWAYS be the PARENTS of your CHILDREN — for their sake, choose Collaborative Divorce.

As you choose (or are forced) to go down the path of life without your spouse, choose to be fair; choose to be an adult; choose to minimize all those negative emotions that can make life hell for you and your family — choose Collaborative Divorce.

What is Collaborative Divorce? Generally, Collaborative Divorce is a sub-set of Collaborative Law; but, specifically, Collaborative Divorce is process that is intended to maximize control and minimize uncertainty; it is a process by which YOU control your destiny, with the help of TWO attorneys [one for each spouse] (and other professionals, as needed) trained in collaborative law, by engaging in pre-litigation negotiation to settle your divorce-related issues – your financial issues; your child-related issues; and any other issues that are relevant to you and your life situation.

The object of the process is to negotiate a fair Marital Settlement Agreement, which will be the basis of your divorce settlement. Divorce is not easy; but it need not be hell. Divorce need not devastate your family’s finances — your divorce can be the best beginning for the rest of your life.

I want to help — if you want my help, please call me to schedule an appointment — I can be reached by telephone at: 908-232-6500; or by Email at: My Law Office is located at 116 South Euclid Avenue (Rear Entrance; 2nd Floor), Westfield, Union County, NJ 07090. [MAP]

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